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Supplement Reviews


Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) comes in several forms. Heating, canning, freezing , or processing foods can decrease the amount of Vitamin B6 in foods. The coenzyme form of this vitamin is associated with a vast number of enzymes, the majority of these enzymes are a part of amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B6 is also necessary to synthesize heme. Niacin synthesis from tryptophan requires PLP (pyridoxal phosphate) , which is one of the forms of vitamin B6. It is necessary in glycogen catabolism to “unlock” carbohydrate energy. Vitamin B6 has also been shown to diminish the actions of certain steroids such as glucocorticoid hormones. Bodybuilders definitely want to decrease their cortisol level to allow for proper lean muscle mass gains and to prevent the symptoms of overtraining. Food sources of Vitamin B6 include sirloin steak, navy beans, and potato.


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