Supplement Reviews
Caffeine (chemically a methylxanthine) is one of the best (if not
THE best) researched ergogenic aids available today. Caffeine has
been shown in several studies to promote fat oxidation and both
weight and fat loss in exercising individuals. Many studies
repeatedly show that caffeine enhances both short term and long term
endurance performance. Caffeine seems to delay fatigue (prolongs
time to exhaustion) so aerobic workouts can go on longer and
stronger. It has been shown to be effective in increasing speed in
simulated race conditions and in a regular laboratory setting. One
study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine in
1998 states “caffeine ingestion can be an effective ergogenic aid
for short term, supramaximal running performance.” Even though there
are far less studies with caffeine and resistance training (weight
lifting), some evidence does suggest that caffeine can increase
power generated in repeated muscle contractions and enhance
endurance at submaximal tension. More power = more reps hence better
muscle gains, capish! Caffeine works through several mechanisms of
action including promoting the release of stored fat to be used as
energy, more release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(thereby leading to greater muscle contraction including greater
force production by each motor unit), antagonism of the adenosine
receptors mainly in the central nervous system, inhibition of
phosphodiesterases leading to an increase level of cyclic AMP in
muscle tissue (creating a more favorable intracellular environment
in active muscle), and sparing glycogen (carbohydrate stores in
muscle cells and the liver) because of an increased rate of fat
oxidation (which could explain why caffeine delays time to
exhaustion during aerobic exercise). Caffeine has some diuretic
properties that can aid in decreasing water retention in the body
although it does not seem to act as a diuretic during exercise.
Anyway, it is important to consume plenty of water when taking in
caffeine. Another thing to look out for is caffeine’s effects on
blood sugar. Although not clear from the research, it may decrease
insulin sensitivity so diabetics need to be careful. Regularly
consuming high doses may also adversely affect blood pressure.
Moderation is the key. A regular cup of coffee has about 100 mg of
caffeine per serving but some research shows that coffee is not as
effective in maximizing the benefits of caffeine as is pure
caffeine. Some people using higher doses of caffeine for ergogenic
benefit sometimes report nervousness, jitteriness, and stomach
A good dose is 200-600 mg of pure caffeine about 45 minutes to one
hour before exercise or a big race (levels of caffeine peak about an
hour after ingestion). Taking it on an empty stomach can further
potentiate its effects. It’s interesting to note that some research
indicates that pure caffeine is better than coffee. The stimulation
effect of caffeine usually lasts about 2-4 hours after ingestion as
caffeine has a short half life in the body.
Don’t take within 4 hours of bed time as it may interfere with
sleep. Athletes who use caffeine sparingly and only when they
really need it seem to have a better performance benefit due to
reduced tolerance versus someone who uses caffeine all the time. It
may be a good idea to cycle caffeine use and take days off from it
here and there.
Keep in mind that the upper limit of caffeine allowed by the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the NCAA is 12mcg/ml in
the urine which would equate to taking about 1000-1200mg of caffeine
within about 4 hours of the drug test. This is a huge dose but
remember, individuals vary so it is possible that some people can
test positive for caffeine with even lesser amounts.
There seems to be an upper dosage threshold in terms of using
caffeine as an ergogenic aid—more does not seem to be better in this
case. In fact, some research indicates that taking a low to moderate
amount of caffeine is equally if not more effective than taking a
much higher dose of caffeine. Green tea is a great alternative to
regular coffee as it has polyphenols and a special compound called
EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which can not only boost immune
function but also enhance metabolic rate directly.
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