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& Sports Supplements






Supplement Reviews


HMB (B-hydroxy B-methyl butyrate)

This is not technically an amino acid but rather a metabolite (metabolic by-product) of the amino acid leucine.  HMB has enjoyed good sales (especially when it first came out several years ago) as the price has come down but it is still quite expensive.  There is solid research showing positive effects from using this ingredient.  This nutrient has been clinically proven to increase lean body mass, reduce body fat and increase strength.  It also helps protect muscle cells from damage which can allow you to grow faster! Research also suggests taking HMB 30-60 minutes before exercise can really improve training recovery.  Taking 2-4 grams throughout the day can be beneficial.  HMB has a short half life in the body so it needs to be taken frequently throughout the day to maintain optimal blood levels.


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