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Supplement Reviews


Ornithine (OKG)


OKG is a combination of the amino acid ornithine and alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG)—Chemically speaking, it is actually two molecules of ornithine and one molecule of AKG combined. OKG seems to be involved in protein synthesis and can act as a precursor to other amino acids including L-glutamine and L-arginine. AKG is a glutamine pre-cursor and may have a "glutamine sparing" effect in muscle tissue leading to more available glutamine. This may be a side benefit of using this product as glutamine (the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue) has many benefits to athletes including boosting immune function, cell volumization, supporting protein synthesis, and aiding in glycogen replenishment. OKG may even help boost growth hormone levels which can help support lean muscle mass gains. It seems to increase insulin levels but this needs to be better studied (maybe that is why some people who take OKG report increased appetite). One study actually showed a 20-30 % increase in insulin levels with a 10 gram daily dose. OKG has been studied in burn victims and other trauma patients and shown to be quite effective in enhancing clinical recovery. It was even shown in one study to significantly improve wound healing! Although not completely clear, it seems to work by increasing growth hormone levels, increasing protein synthesis, and reducing protein breakdown. OKG can be considered an anti-catabolic nutrient. It seems to counteract lowered immune function that can result from trauma or high stress. Most of the research on OKG showing any benefits uses around 10 grams daily which is a fairly high dose. The best time to take OKG is during periods of highly intense training or during times of stress. Taking 5 grams after a workout and 5 grams 30 minutes before bed time can be beneficial. The pure OKG powder is best unless you want to take a lot of pills. OKG can also be found as an additive nutrient in some protein powder products.



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