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Supplement Reviews


Soy Protein Isolate

Isolated Soy protein has been the subject of many research studies and seems to be in the news a lot.  It is a good protein source that has many positive health effects along with benefits to athletes.  Protein Technologies International (a division of DuPont) has a high quality brand of isolated soy which is called Supro®.  You can find this in many soy products on the market today. 


BENEFITS: It has a good amount of key amino acids including glutamine, arginine, and the BCAA’s,  it may boost metabolism by enhancing natural thyroid hormone levels, it contains isoflavones which have been implicated in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides,  and it is a lower costing source of protein.


DOWNSIDES: Some people complain about the taste of soy products and lower quality soy protein does contain small amounts of phytoestrogens which would be detrimental to men. 



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