Supplement Reviews
ZMA™ is a highly specific and unique vitamin/mineral combination.
Yes, that's right, there are certain minerals out there that have a
positive impact on athletic performance and you guessed
it--testosterone levels. ZMA™ is a special combination of zinc,
magnesium, and vitamin B-6. The zinc in this outstanding product is
specifically formulated as zinc aspartate and zinc mono L-methionine
which makes it incredibly bioavailable because of the two forms of
chelates. The magnesium is also found in a chelated form bound to
aspartate which makes it very bioavailable as well. In fact, the
magnesium and zinc are bound together to the aspartate which can
also (chemically speaking) enhance absorption. Absorption and
usage of minerals is a key factor in receiving their many benefits.
ZMA™ is the creation of Balco Labs and executive director Victor
Conte who has been studying the effects of minerals and trace
elements for over 15 years. Research conducted on strength athletes
by Balco labs on ZMA™ shows that this precise combination of zinc,
magnesium, and vitamin B-6 can increase total and free testosterone
levels by 30%. A study published in Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise showed that nightly supplementation with ZMA™
also increased strength and power. This is all very exciting news
for performance athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Zinc is a
micromineral involved in the action of several hormones including
insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. It is involved
in more than 200 enzymatic reactions. Research has indicated that
exercising individuals have a greater need for zinc as they are more
prone to a zinc deficiency. Is it proven to increase testosterone
levels in healthy subjects? You betcha!
A 1996 study entitled "Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of
healthy adults" by Ananda Prasad, M.D., Ph.D. showed that taking 30
mg of supplemental zinc daily by healthy men experiencing moderate
zinc deficiency doubled their testosterone levels in a 6 month time
frame. Now that's what I call a testosterone booster! Magnesium is
a macromineral that is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in
the body including glycolysis, the krebs cycle, creatine phosphate
formation, nucleic acid synthesis, amino acid activation, cardiac
and smooth muscle contractability, cyclic AMP formation, and most
importantly for strength athletes, protein synthesis. The final
piece to the ZMA™ formula is vitamin B-6 which is also know as
pyridoxine and has some major implications on protein synthesis. The
coenzyme form of this vitamin is associated with a vast number of
enzymes, the majority of these enzymes are a part of amino acid
metabolism. It is necessary in glycogen catabolism to "unlock"
carbohydrate energy and vitamin B6 has also been shown to diminish
the actions of certain catabolic steroids such as glucocorticoid
hormones (cortisol). This can boost the all important T : C
(testosterone to cortisol) ratio which can lead to positive muscle
building effects. Taking one dose of ZMA about 30 minutes before bed
time is recommended.
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